4 Homemade Face Scrub Recipes:
Strawberry Face Scrub Note this - if you are suffering from bulging pimples, stubborn acne, breakouts, dull and oily skin - then we have got you covered with Strawberry Face Scrub. Strawberries are stuffed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that protect your skin from premature aging and sun damage. The alpha-hydroxylic acid content in strawberries can also exfoliate your skin and extract the dead skin cell layer.
Recipe - Gather 1 cup yogurt, ½ cup mashed strawberries, ½ cup almond meal, and a drop of apple cider vinegar. Mix all ingredients and apply a layer of the mixture to your skin. Keep for some time and then wash off with warm water. This face scrub will soften your skin and exfoliate to cut down on pimples and acne.
Lemon Face Scrub Lemon is a master of all trade when it comes to skincare regimens. But lemon face scrub can work magically if your skin is ready to bust out unwanted blackheads. Blackheads are mostly caused due to excess oil production or irritation occurring in hair follicles. Lemon face scrub, enriched with antiseptic properties can reduce sebum production too. Watch out for the recipe.
Recipe - Take ½ tsp lemon, ½ tsp salt, and ½ tsp purified water. Combine all ingredients and mix well. The paste should be applied uniformly to your face by rubbing gently in a circular motion. Continue the scrubbing process for 2 to 3 minutes and wash off clearly. This face scrub will remove all blackheads and leave your skin gentle and blemish-free.
Rose Face Scrub Aging spots indicate that your skin requires much more attention than you give. Rose Face Scrub can tighten your skin pores, curtails inflammation, and exfoliates to reverse the age clock.
Recipe - Mix 2 tbsp of grapeseed oil, 5 tsp of ground almonds, 1 tsp of warm honey, and 2 drops of rose oil. Combine all ingredients well and rub on your face in a circular motion. Rinse with warm water. This face scrub will add radiance and glow to your skin and make it look appealing.
Honey Cherry Face Scrub Your skin always needs hydration and moisture. So, to get rid of dryness and dullness, use this scrub. Honey contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties and acts as a natural humectant too. It keeps your skin moist and healthy while cherry helps to fight the dullness increasing free radicals.
Recipe - Take 5 cherries, almond powder, ¼th cup of honey, 1 tsp of brown sugar, 3 tbsp yogurt. Mix all and scrub for a minute. This is a gentle face scrub boosting up skin radiance and hydration. Your skin cannot go on long without scrubbing. Natural scrubbers are beneficial for skin texture. They do not irritate or cause skin imperfections. You can also try out Glamour World Glow Fairness Scrub. Wipeout all impurities and impart your skin crystal-clear transparency. Glamour World Ayurvedic is always on your side.