Top 3 Summer Skincare Fruit Packs

Read this blog if you want to know about the amazing top 3 summer skincare fruit packs.  Summer has arrived and so has its scorching, unbearable heat. It’s high time that you start exploring some real cool hacks to impart freshness and vitality to your skin. The intense sweat allows bacteria to settle down on your skin pores and invites pimples, rashes, and other unwanted skin conditions. So, Glamor World Ayurvedic is back with some engaging solutions to your persisting skin problems. We suggest that if your skin is sensitive and prone to causing pimples, better resort to our Mother Nature. She has magical treatments in store to ensure you possess a beautiful, glowing skin no matter what the season is. Summer offers such a wide variety of fruits that you can apply them topically and reap their benefits at the fullest.

Top 3 Summer Skincare Fruit Packs:

Fruit packs for your skin
  • Watermelon - With every season, you change your food habit, but do you think about your skincare diet? In summer, what your skin essentially demands is the optimum amount of hydration and moisturization. 95 percent of watermelon content is water and consuming it can rejuvenate your skin from within. Watermelon is wonderful for removing tan and infusing antioxidants to your skin naturally.
Take equal amounts of honey and watermelon juice and stir well to make a perfect solution. Apply the face pack topically on your skin tan and let it dry for 30 minutes. Followingly wash off with cold water. Watermelon is a wonderful remedy for reducing melanin. Try using this face pack at least twice a week to bid goodbye to your stubborn suntan.
  • Papaya - Summers are incomplete without the juicy essence of papaya. Papaya contains papain that decreases inflammation and is a perfect summer skin exfoliant. It increases collagen production and maintains skin elasticity. To prepare papaya face pack at home, chop papaya into small pieces. Add a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of honey to enhance the nutrition of the pack. Mix well and apply uniformly. Repeat this procedure for at least thrice a week and observe the results immediately.
  • Strawberry - Who can ever forget the special summer delight, strawberry? Strawberries work wonders for your skin especially when it comes to skin aging and dullness. It is filled with antioxidants and helps to prevent the activities of free radicals. For making strawberry face pack at home, all you need primarily is to smash the strawberries and make a puree out of it. Later, mix it with honey or yogurt. Honey makes your skin supple and soft while yogurt is great for toning benefits. Strawberry along with either of this can make a soothing summer special face pack. Apply this pack for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. You will notice how your wrinkles, fine lines and aging spots have vanished. Your skin feels nourished and moisturized with strawberry face pack.
 Glamour World Ayurvedic believes in the magical power of our Mother Nature. We recommend you use the summer special home made fruit packs and keep skin problems at bay. Visit our website for more variety on Glamour World Face Packs. Enjoy the warmth of summer with the coolest possible skincare tricks!!

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